The first year of life is a period of such rapid growth and development! Our infant teachers create safe places for your baby to have all of their physical and emotional needs met while also providing plenty of room for infants to move and explore the environment.
Parents and teachers work together to create individual schedules for naps and mealtimes that support your home routines. Classrooms are separated into areas for quiet investigations of books and toys, and active exploration with blocks, balls, and tunnels, as well as dedicated spaces for eating, sleeping, and diapering.
Our infant teachers support your child’s emerging language with songs, stories, and constant conversations with the babies.

The first year of life is a period of such rapid growth and development! Our infant teachers create safe places for your baby to have all of their physical and emotional needs met while also providing plenty of room for infants to move and explore the environment.
Parents and teachers work together to create individual schedules for naps and mealtimes that support your home routines. Classrooms are separated into areas for quiet investigations of books and toys, and active exploration with blocks, balls, and tunnels, as well as dedicated spaces for eating, sleeping, and diapering.
Our infant teachers support your child’s emerging language with songs, stories, and constant conversations with the babies.

Toddlers are moving and exploring everything in their environment! Our caring toddler teachers are responsive to the individual and group needs of our toddlers, creating classroom environments with easy supervision, soft spaces for crawling and climbing, and firm flooring to practice walking, jumping, and riding on scoot toys.
Teachers facilitate and support toddler’s explorations with nature items, art materials, sensory play, and classroom toys, creating spaces where they feel safe and free to explore and learn and focusing on helping children build vocabulary through conversations, books, and songs. Daily routines for naptime, meals and snacks, diapering, and toilet learning increase the toddlers sense of safety and security by helping them order their day.

Toddlers are moving and exploring everything in their environment! Our caring toddler teachers are responsive to the individual and group needs of our toddlers, creating classroom environments with easy supervision, soft spaces for crawling and climbing, and firm flooring to practice walking, jumping, and riding on scoot toys.
Teachers facilitate and support toddler’s explorations with nature items, art materials, sensory play, and classroom toys, creating spaces where they feel safe and free to explore and learn and focusing on helping children build vocabulary through conversations, books, and songs. Daily routines for naptime, meals and snacks, diapering, and toilet learning increase the toddlers sense of safety and security by helping them order their day.
Children change so rapidly during their second year of life. Our two-year-old classrooms help children bridge the transition from toddlerhood to preschooler. Teachers continue to provide safe, open spaces to support children’s physical growth as they master a wide variety of movements, while beginning to offer a large variety of toys, activities, and learning experiences to support their rapidly emerging math, literacy, and cognitive skills.
Teachers introduce group learning activities designed to support social learning and cognitive growth while balancing times for individual play and exploration. Teachers support the development of personal skills such as using the toilet, cleaning up toys, dressing one’s self, and taking on a helper role in the classroom environment—all skills that prepare the children for preschool!

Children change so rapidly during their second year of life. Our two-year-old classrooms help children bridge the transition from toddlerhood to preschooler. Teachers continue to provide safe, open spaces to support children’s physical growth as they master a wide variety of movements, while beginning to offer a large variety of toys, activities, and learning experiences to support their rapidly emerging math, literacy, and cognitive skills.
Teachers introduce group learning activities designed to support social learning and cognitive growth while balancing times for individual play and exploration. Teachers support the development of personal skills such as using the toilet, cleaning up toys, dressing one’s self, and taking on a helper role in the classroom environment—all skills that prepare the children for preschool!

Preschool children are full of curiosity, creativity, and determination. Our preschool teachers create stimulating environments that promote exploration and child-guided learning through play. Teachers create literacy-rich learning centers in their classrooms where children can focus on specific skill-sets as they play, and teaching staff allow children to guide the activities while facilitating their learning through open-ended questions, guided conversations, and introduction of new materials and ideas.
Play is balanced with group learning activities, such as shared writing experiences, read-alouds of favorite books, science and sensory experiences, and cooking activities—all of which have unlimited potential for teaching literacy, math skills, social skills, and emotional growth.

Preschool children are full of curiosity, creativity, and determination. Our preschool teachers create stimulating environments that promote exploration and child-guided learning through play.
Teachers create literacy-rich learning centers in their classrooms where children can focus on specific skill-sets as they play, and teaching staff allow children to guide the activities while facilitating their learning through open-ended questions, guided conversations, and introduction of new materials and ideas.
Play is balanced with group learning activities, such as shared writing experiences, read-alouds of favorite books, science and sensory experiences, and cooking activities—all of which have unlimited potential for teaching literacy, math skills, social skills, and emotional growth.